Wednesday, January 23, 2008

The final say

Waking up this morning was so different from every other morning here. There was no desire to eat, to read, or even communicating with each other. All that was on the minds of every TREKer was the thoughts of where our mission location was going to be. Either Japan or Peru. Those where the destinations.
Peru was mentioned more among us TREKers then Japan was. Everyone seemed to want to get away from the cold climate and enter into a warmer more enjoyable setting.
We all rushed downstairs at around 8 to see if we could manage something down for breakfast and then somehow hold on another hour to wait to hear our destinations.
The time came and tentions were high. Jon had them already written out on a board and just had it hidden. Everyone held their breath when he slowly flipped the paper over. It was dead silance and eyes were all focused on the board. Not a sound. Minds scrambled to find their name, the team leaders, and the locations. But minds do funny things when something this important is pushed on you in a short time spand of about 5 seconds.
For a long moment no one moved... just stared at the board. Slowly emotions surfaced and some tears made way to the eyes. Some cried for joy that they were going to the place they wanted, others cried just from the over whelming sence of emotions. I cried tears of joy and excitment. My name was within the Peru team. I felt like the breath was takin from me and I felt peace and contentment. I felt like this was the start of a new beginning. The beginning of something remarkable that the Lord is about to do.

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